
Waiting for an Answer from God

I think God always make us learn a lesson of some sort through everything. I had had to learn that sometimes is not going to deliver the way I am expecting. But I should always be on the lookout to find him in everything. I have been praying to God about what I should do regarding a decision that I have to make. I have been expecting God to give me an answer about this decision, but the answer did not come to me how I expected. As I was praying to God I continuously said, "if it is in your will for my life Father God". Because even though I may want something very much that doesn't mean that God wants that for me. So, while I was waiting for God to answer me, things just started to unfold in my life pertaining this decision. I thought it was a yes, I thought it was a no, and sometimes I was just blatantly confused.  But know I know it is a yes from God, because what I was asking God for is currently happening! So, I want to share with you guys what I did while I waited fo

Getting Unstuck: How to Remain in God During the Storm

Tips on  How to Remain in   God During the Storm   We all go through storms and trials and tests. Sometimes we overcome, but other times we don't.  I know there have been times where I was going through trials and tribulations and instead of staying in God and trusting his word, I backslid and tried to find satisfaction in the world. Spoiler Alert: I did not find it, and neither will you. Here the good thing about it all. With God we never fail, we will fall, but we will never fail.  Let's get into the tips, but first, I want you guys to remember these things: God loves you. God is love. He tells us in His word to trust in His love. I read in my bible about how we should not trust in the law to make us right with God, but in God alone. ( Romans 9:30-33 ) You Are Saved Romans 10:9-10 states that "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made righ

Temptation or Testing? The Difference

What is a test? In Exodus, the Israelites was tested by God many times, but they also failed the test many times causing their delay to the promised land. I look back to  Exodus and think if the Israelites would have listened to God or remembered what they were being taught or not complained against Him… the ending might have turned out differently for them. Every time they failed the test, they had consequences to face. Like on an actual paper test, wrong answers don't get a good grade, but right answers get you the grade you were probably hoping for. When God tests us, it is like making a choice. His way or the wrong way… So, to sum up, the meaning of a test, The chance to do things your way or show obedience to his word. Why does God test us? Before I start this section, I would like to note that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him. Now, as humans, we see the chance to do things our way or show obedience to His word as a test, but it’s just

We Are Called To Be Holy

If someone told that you were meant for a certain career that you have no interest in, you most likely will ignore that person and their opinions and do things your way. For example, you want to be a lawyer, but a specific someone has always told you that you were meant to be a doctor. So, you go about your life, being the lawyer that you are, the lawyer you have always wanted to be, but you come to realize that your job doesn’t satisfy you. You don’t really like what you do, and you never have. You notice that you don't have that "lawyer passion".  Allow me to rephrase the scenario... Now, what if I told you that someone who is faithful, just, merciful, and good has called you to be someone from the very beginning. But instead of listening to this someone, you choose to go another route. A route that leads to misery and despair. But since you enjoy what you think is freedom, you don't give this some the time of day. So, while you are living your life the way you want

The Start of Endless Chase

  The Vision for this Platform... The purpose for the blog is to draw people near to Christ. My creativity is a gift give to me from my Father in Heaven, and I want to use it as an outlet to bring people to the Kingdom. There is so many things that can be done with the gifts and abilities given to us by God, so why not use them for the good. Matthew 6:33, " Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." I have always wanted to start a blog, but never knew what I wanted to blog about. When I was younger, I wanted to start a YouTube channel, which I know a lot of people can relate to that. Moral is my whole life I have wanted to do a lot of things but did not know why I wanted to do them or what for. Now, because of Christ Jesus, the things I want to do can have a purpose. They can have an impact. God has given qualities, gift, and different abilities that I don't even know about yet, but the if I stay firm in my Lo