Temptation or Testing? The Difference

What is a test?

In Exodus, the Israelites was tested by God many times, but they also failed the test many times causing their delay to the promised land. I look back to Exodus and think if the Israelites would have listened to God or remembered what they were being taught or not complained against Him… the ending might have turned out differently for them.

Every time they failed the test, they had consequences to face.

Like on an actual paper test, wrong answers don't get a good grade, but right answers get you the grade you were probably hoping for.

When God tests us, it is like making a choice. His way or the wrong way…

So, to sum up, the meaning of a test, The chance to do things your way or show obedience to his word.

Why does God test us?

Before I start this section, I would like to note that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him.

Now, as humans, we see the chance to do things our way or show obedience to His word as a test, but it’s just having to listen to Him, which is sometimes hard for us and our simple human minds, hence which is what makes it a test for us.

When I say, “show obedience to His word”, I am saying let your actions reflect the faith you have in Him.

For example, you read God’s word and you know what he says, but you don’t obey it. Like having faith in Him but not trusting that His word is true. Another example is you only believing your favorite verse, Romans 8:28, when times are good but not when you are going through a trial. We should be believing his word in all aspects of our lives because it is true. If we read and do not put to use what we have learned, does that not make it pointless?

James 1:22-25 tells us “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. If you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.”

The Israelites didn’t fully believe God would do what He said He would do even though they had seen His faithfulness and had been delivered by God. Yet, they still wavered.

If obeying God’s word only does amazingly good things, this should tell us that tests are meant to make us better in Christ. Tests come from God, and everything good comes from God. (James 1:12-17)

He tests us to better ourselves and allows us to let our everyday actions reflect our faith in Him and His word. Whether it is a good day or not, blessed is the man who remains steadfast during the trial. (James 1:12)

What is temptation?

The Wikipedia definition of temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals.

As Christians, we all know temptation as the thing that tries to make us fall from what we know in Spirit is right. Falling into temptation leads to sin and the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)

As we are tempted, we are prompted with a decision. Do the right thing or the wrong thing? The devil wants us to do the wrong thing. The thing that is going to pull us away from God. But Christ Jesus came and overcome the world and we have victory in Him.

Why does the devil tempt us?

The devil is here to steal, kill, and destroy. He is going to do anything that he can to get us to backslide or turn from God. So, tempting us with the evil things of this world is how he does that. This is why we as believers in Christ Jesus need to stay in God’s word so that when the devil tries to attack, we can stand firm and not be moved.

The difference… How can you tell?

Temptation and testing both leave us with choices and decisions to be made, but only one is for our good. Without even elaborating further, I can easily say Temptation is from the devil and testing is from God our Heavenly Father. Just saying that gigantically separates the two.

We are tested by God for the sake of our faith in Him. if you are unsure if you are being tested, ask God. Also, look at the situation, and if there are many possible outcomes for a breakthrough, it is possibly a test.

We are tempted by the devil because he knows his time is short, so he prowls around like a lion waiting to devour us. If you are unsure if you are being tempted, again, look at the situation.

Ask yourself, if I accept the devil’s bait how will I feel? Am I pleasing God if I do this?

Temptation truly comes with one option and one answer. The option is falling, but the answer is enduring and going the way that God has provided for us out of temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13)

How I Overcome Temptations

I would like to share with you what I do when I am tempted by the devil. I hope this message helps you and pushes you toward our Father in Heaven.

*It is only 2 things*

1. I instantly rebuke the devil.

As soon as my thoughts start to shift the wrong way or I start letting my emotions lead, I rebuke…I am so grateful to the Holy Spirit for helping me. Because of Spirit, I can tell when something is not okay and when something is completely wrong. If I were to let my thoughts go where they wanted, it would be a horrible thing. So, I immediately cast the thoughts down and fix my thoughts on what is right and true. (Philippians 4:8)

2. I remember His word.

This goes without saying but, I simply look back on what I read in his word. Sometimes verses pop up in my head that help me Holy Spirit but mainly I think about how good God is and how He has provided a way out. I want you to remember that when you are having trouble thinking the right way. There is a way out.

What You Can Take from This

No matter what trial or tribulation you are going through in life, it is nothing that you can’t handle. It may feel like you can’t handle it and at times it can feel unbearable, but God is greater than everything that is bothering you. Just go to Him and call on His name. Also, know that you cannot change everything on your own, let God do His part.
