We Are Called To Be Holy

If someone told that you were meant for a certain career that you have no interest in, you most likely will ignore that person and their opinions and do things your way.

For example, you want to be a lawyer, but a specific someone has always told you that you were meant to be a doctor. So, you go about your life, being the lawyer that you are, the lawyer you have always wanted to be, but you come to realize that your job doesn’t satisfy you. You don’t really like what you do, and you never have. You notice that you don't have that "lawyer passion". 

Allow me to rephrase the scenario...

Now, what if I told you that someone who is faithful, just, merciful, and good has called you to be someone from the very beginning. But instead of listening to this someone, you choose to go another route. A route that leads to misery and despair. But since you enjoy what you think is freedom, you don't give this some the time of day. So, while you are living your life the way you want, you’re not enjoying it and your life is not fulfilling you.

The someone is God. He has called you to be holy as He is. Our identities were made to be rooted in Him from the beginning.

Genesis 1:27 (NLT Version) "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

Just knowing that He made you in His image is so beautiful.

God our Heavenly Father made us with a purpose from the beginning, but as we grow older, we become enticed by the ways of this world and believe the lies and deceit of the enemy. Which leads us to follow our sinful desires and live life the way we choose to instead of listening for the Holy Spirit.

Again, God created us to be like Him. In Leviticus, God told Moses that he must be holy as He is.

Leviticus19:2 (NLT Version) "Give the following instructions to the entire community of Israel. You must be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy."

Because God chose them. At first, the Israelites were not a people, but God chose them, and they became people of God.  

God has called you, yes, you who is reading this right now. (Romans 8:29-30)

You were beautifully and fearfully made by the hands of God to be somebody in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
